Hello! I am Sarah Solomon, Founder of Dawreti
And I am thrilled to welcome you on this sacred journey!
Do you want to heal the root cause of your period imbalances?
Do you want to connect to your womb and your feminine energy?
You are in the right place!
You deserve a pain-free period and you can totally have it.
We are cyclical beings living in a linear world. Many of us have not learned how to respect the natural rhythm of our menstrual cycle. We learn to move forward in life, Ignoring the distress signals coming from our nervous system, We end up dealing with pain, Instead of healing its root cause. Many women don’t get the support they need to fully overcome menstrual challenges.
We are here to assure you that
your menstrual cycle does not have to be
a source of pain and burden to you anymore.
On the contrary, your menstrual cycle can be a source of deep insight and power!
How I support my clients?
Do you want to heal your cycle and reclaim your feminine power?
Do you want to reclaim the power
of your period?
Then this Masterclass is for you!
Learn about the power of your period and the cyclical living method. In this 2-hour masterclass you will receive powerful tools for healing PMS and period cramps.
What my clients say?
مهما شكرتك يا سارة بجد مش كفاية...انا مديونالك بكل ١٠ ايام رجعولي في حياتي تاني بعد ما كاني بيضيعوا في وجع و عياط. كل ما اقابل حد بقوله ان الكورس ده بجد احلى حاجة حصلتلي في حياتي :')))) شكرا من كل قلبي
الكورس فرق جداً في حياتي. و خلاني أشوف قوتي الداخلية. كان الكورس ممتع جداً وغني بالمعلومات ومليان بالحب.
ايرينا | irina
أنا ممتنة جداً إن كورس زي ده موجود! الكورس مع سارة فيه كمية معلومات هائلة ومفيدة جداً كإمرأة كنت بدور عليها بقالي كتير
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